
Short introduction to animal ethics

by Hannah Schickl (Berlin Institute of Health at Charité (BIH))




The talk gives an overview of the emergence of philosophical animal ethics and its relation to social values and animal welfare laws. It introduces the core question of moral status and the main currents in animal ethics (anthropocentrism, pathocentrism, biocentrism) and positions. The animal ethical consensus of a pathocentric view, i.e. that animals as sentient beings are to be considered morally for their own sake, has meanwhile become widely accepted socially and legally. This has practical consequences for the treatment of animals; with regard to animal experiments in particular, that they are in principle subject to justification. In this context, animal welfare laws represent an animal ethical minimum and are widely criticized by animal ethicists.

Hannah Schickl is an analytical philosopher working on bioethical issues at the interface of philosophy/ethics, biology, medicine and law, especially in the field of animal ethics, stem cell research and other gene technologies, and reproductive medicine. She coordinates the working group „Gene Technology Report“ at the Berlin Institute of Health at Charité.

For more information, see https://www.gentechnologiebericht.de/en/about/staff/researchers/hannah-schickl


The talk is especially aimed at scientists involved in animal experiments, but of course, is also open to other interested personen. Participants will receive a certificate of attendance. For organisational reasons, registration is necessary on https://eu01web.zoom.us/meeting/register/u5AkcOqoqDMsHdPP7A4MncapByXyy_SeIgE2


Organised by

Patrica Marquadt