Sep 18 – 20, 2024
Bad Saarow
Europe/Berlin timezone

scATAcat: Cell-type annotation for scATAC-seq data

Sep 19, 2024, 10:00 AM
Board: 01
Plenary Talk Plenary Talk


Aybuge Altay (Vingron Lab, MPI for Molecular Genetics)


Cells whose accessibility landscape has been profiled with scATAC-seq cannot readily be annotated to a particular cell type. In fact, annotating cell-types in scATAC-seq data is a challenging task since, unlike in scRNA-seq data, we lack knowledge of "marker regions" which could be used for cell-type annotation. Current annotation methods typically translate accessibility to expression space and rely on gene expression patterns. We propose a novel approach, scATAcat, that leverages characterized bulk ATAC-seq data as prototypes to annotate scATAC-seq data. To mitigate the inherent sparsity of single-cell data, we aggregate cells that belong to the same cluster and create pseudobulk. To demonstrate the feasibility of our approach we collected a number of datasets with respective annotations to quantify the results and evaluate performance for scATAcat. scATAcat is available as a python package at

Primary authors

Aybuge Altay (Vingron Lab, MPI for Molecular Genetics) Martin Vingron (Vingron Lab, MPI for Molecular Genetics)

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